Friday, June 19, 2009

Infatutation With Penis

So it's another Fatherhood Friday over at Dad Blogs and I thought I would discuss something that is truly unique to dads while asking for a SAHM's opinion: penises. At least I think that is the plural of penis. Maybe it's peni. Regardless, I think people understand what we're talking about here.

But specifically I want to talk about my son and his recent infatuation with his little helper. I walked into the bathroom the other day to help him after he finished going to the bathroom. See, we're in the final stages of potty training. Actually, we're pretty much done. He knows when he has to go, can go by himself, etc. The only thing we've yet to master is pulling up our underwear and pants. It's not uncommon for him to waddle out of the bathroom with pants around ankles. It's actually pretty funny.

But back to the point. I head into the bathroom to help pull up his shorts and I stop dead in my tracks. He has picked up Mom's small make-up mirror and is using it to get a better look at his man parts. And it was a pretty good inspection.

As a guy I realize we are all transfixed by our junk, but I didn't know how to react. I realize it's completely natural, but it was a little crazy. I don't even remember if I said anything. I certainly didn't want to embarass him or stunt his maturation. But still, what is the right response in that situation? Just ignore it? What happens when I walk in on my little girl doing the same thing in a year or so?

Actually that answer is simple:

Monday, June 15, 2009

SAHM Tips About Preschool

My oldest starts preschool tomorrow. He's doing a two-day-a-week program during the summer. He'll do a three-day program starting in the fall. I'm very excited for him to start for a few reasons.

First, I think he'll really like the school aspect of it. He's a pretty inquisitive kid, so I think the learning side of preschool will really appeal to him. I can already envision him telling me all the cool things they did as soon as I walk in the door after work.

I'm also excited to see how he does in the program. He's a fairly advanced 3 year old (of course, all parents say that), but I'm curious how he'll do. I'm really looking forward to seeing him progressive with his gross motor skills like writing, using scissors, etc.

And for me, it's just cool to see him growing up and moving on to the next phase of life. Since he's the oldest, he gets to meet all of these milestones before his sister and brother. So everything is new to him and to us as parents. I like moving forward and seeing what lies in front of us.

But, at the same time, I have no idea what I'm doing here. Is there a certain preschool protocol that I need to know? What do you all, as SAHMS, think I need to know as my son heads to preschool? And don't worry about thinking your advice is too silly or too minimal. At this point, I need all the help I can get.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Playgroups USA

Just found a cool website dedicated to playgroups. This is perfect for stay at home moms looking to find other SAHMS in their area. You can search for playgroups by geographic area and find kids for your little ones to play with. Or, if you already have an established playgroup and would love to add new moms and kids, post your group.

Another great example of SAHMS helping SAHMS.

Anyone ever used this website to find a playgroup? There weren't any in our area, unfortunately, but there were plenty in other parts of our state. Let me know if you've ever had any experiences with Playgroups USA.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

SAHMS Getting Paid For Their Opinions

I know that a lot of stay at home moms are always on the lookout for ways to make a few extra dollars. Because let's be honest, we could all use a few extra dollars at the end of the month.

One of the most common money making ideas I see suggested for SAHMS is online surveys. They make it sound very easy: sign up, share your opinion, rake in the cash. In just a few minutes a day you can help dictate what products companies make & sell and put some cash in your wallet.

The truth is that these survey websites offer a chance to make some pocket money with a very minimal amount of effort. The surveys are delivered right to your inbox and usually take less than 15 minutes to complete. You aren't going to get rich doing this, but you can make some money. Look at it as your Starbucks fund. Or your movie night fund.

My personal favorite of these survey websites is Opinion Outpost. I've been a member for a few months now, and I've made some money for very little work. One of the reasons I like Opinion Outpost is that they actually pay cash instead of prizes. You can actually trade in your "points" for dollars instead of gift certificates, magazine subscribtions, etc.

I'll admit that I haven't actually cashed out yet, but I've done a decent amount of research and haven't come across any red flags. So if you're interested, just click on the link up top, sign up and start making money. Then go out and buy yourself something nice with that "hard" earned cash!

Monday, June 8, 2009

What Does Your Husband Do That Pisses You Off?

Part of my rationale for this blog is be a better husband to my SAHM wife. How can this blog help? Well, honestly, that's where my readers (all 3 of you!) come in.

Today I'm trying to figure out what your husbands that annoy you as a SAHM. All husbands do stupid things that drive their wives crazy, but I'm talking about SAHM-specific stuff here. It could be not appreciating the amount of work you do. Maybe they pass off all of the kid-related work to you even when they're home.

Whatever it is, I (and my fellow dads) want to know. We can only fix it if we know what we're doing wrong. So don't hold back. Come out with both barrels blasting.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

SAHMs Use Internet To Stay Connected

Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while. It's been a busy time around our house with a 2nd birthday party and the start of summer (read: the pool finally opened!).

Regardless, I saw this article the other day and found it interesting. Not that this a shock to anyone reading this blog, but it seems as if SAHMs are using the internet to feel connected to the outside world.

I know that a lot of SAHMs have trouble connecting with people in the world outside of their house. My wife has this issue sometimes; it's hard being surrounded by toddlers and babies all day without having an adult conversation. But can blogging and Facebook really take the place of a real conversation?

Listen, I love blogging and Facebook, but there is no way conversing online can replace those personal connections. There is just no replacing personal interaction. But when those personal interactions aren't possible, I guess electronic connections will just have to do.

So do any of you use the internet as a means of connecting with the outside world while holed up in your house? Or is just something fun to do to pass the time?